Au început înscrierile pentru anul academic 2025/2026 la ISB. Înscrie-te acum pentru a beneficia de reducerea Early Bird de până la 15% la plata integrală a taxelor școlare până pe 20 februarie 2025.
Mai multe informații despre planul de plată a taxelor pentru următorul an academic sunt disponibile aici.
Contactează [email protected] pentru a programa un tur al școlii. Echipa noastră de la departamentul de admiteri va fi încântată să îți ofere toate informațiile de care ai nevoie pentru a lua o decizie informată.
International School of Bucharest Announces Early Bird Discount for 2025/2026 Academic Year’s Fees
Registration for the academic year 2025/2026 is now open. Register now to benefit from the Early Bird discount up to 15% to the full payment of the school fees by 20th February.
More information about the school fee payment plan for the following academic year is available here.
Please contact [email protected] to book a tour of the school. Our Admissions staff would be happy to provide all the information you need to make an informed decision.
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The International School of Bucharest provides each student with a broad, balanced education in a safe and supportive environment.
We promote an enjoyment of learning, creativity and excellence whilst working in close harmony with our diverse community.
See why we should partner and what we can provide in your child’s education journey.